Green Earth Organization (GEO)

Green Cross International (GCI)

Green Council (GC)

Green Club

Green City e.V.

Green Budget International (GBE)

Green Asia Network (GAN)

Green Belt Movement (GBM)

Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG)

Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG)

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ)

Grameena Vikas Samithi (GVS)

Gordon E. and Betty I. Moore Foundation (GBMF)


GMB – Britians General Union

Global Youth Development Institute, Inc. (GYDI) (ERA dba

Global Young Greens (GYG)

Global Wellbeing Institute (GWI)

Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC)

Global Warming Mitigation Project (GWMP)

Global Voices

Global Village of Beijing (GVB)

Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB)

Global Risk Forum GRF Davos (GRF Davos)

Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA)

Global Peace Initiative of Women (GPIW)

Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)

Global Ocean Trust (GOT)

Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR)

Global Greengrants Fund Inc

Global Marshall Plan Foundation

Global LPG Partnership, Inc. (GLPGP)

Global Greens Verts Mondiaux

Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation

Global Justice Ecology Project Inc

Global Challenges Foundation

Global Cement and Concrete Association

Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Ltd

Global Canopy

Global Call for Climate Action

Global Buildings Performance Network

Global Automakers of Canada

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives

Global Alliance for Banking on Values

Global Justice Now

Glasgow Caledonian University

Giving Life Nature Volunteer

Gherush92 Committee for Human Rights

Global Kids Inc

Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment International