GRIP Québec – University of Montréal

Griha Council

Griffith University (Griffith)

Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM)

Greenspirit International Foundation (GIF)

Greenpeace International (GREENPEACE)

Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI)

GreenFacts ASBL



Greener Impact International (GII)

Green Zhejiang (GZJ)

Green Planet (Greenplanet)

Green Mobilisation Initiative

Green Mind

Green Malaysia

Green Korea United

Global Forest Coalition

Global Footprint Network

Global Focus

Global Fellowship

Global Feedback Ltd

Global Exchange

Global Ethical Finance Initiative Limited

Global Environmental Institute

Global Environmental Forum Kansai

Global Environmental Forum

Groupe de recherche appliquée en macroécologie (GRAME)

Global Environment Centre Foundation

Global Environment Centre

Global Environment and Energy in the 21st Century

Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization

Global Ecovillage Network

Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership

Global Forum for Health Research

Global Foundation for Democracy and Development Inc

Global Green Environmental Network

Green Digital Finance Alliance (GDFA)

Global Green USA

Global E Sustainability Initiative

Global Dairy Platform Inc

Global Council for Science and the Environment

Global Compact Network

Global Climate Forum eV

Global Climate and Health Alliance a project of the Social Good Fund

Green Institute Limited

Green Hope Foundation (GHF)

Green Economics Institute (GEI)

Green European Foundation (GEF)

Green Generation Foundation (GGF)